US State Dept condemns the horrific Houthi missile attacks in Yemen


On Tuesday Houthi rebels attacked government held city of Marib in Yemen by firing two missiles. At least three people including a child have been killed in the latest attack by Houthi in the war struck region.

United States of America’s State Department called out the attack saying that the department was “beyond fed up” with Yemen being constantly barged and attacked by Houthi rebels. Ned Price, the spokesperson of US State Department said during a Thursday press briefing that increasing attacks in the region are adding to the humanitarian crisis in Yemen.

Missiles fired by Houthi on Tuesday landed in Rawdha neighborhood in the crowded Marib city, said provincial governor’s press secretary Ali AL-Ghulisi. At least 10 other people are reported to be injured in the attack. Houthis have however claimed that target was military camp in the region, though it remains unsubstantiated.

Since 2014 Yemen has been stuck in midst of what seems to be a never ending war. The civil war in Yemen erupted when Houthis, the militia backed by Iran, swept most of the north and took charge of the capital city of Sanaa, thereby forcing the elected and internationally recognized government into exile. A year later Arab coalition came into the picture from side of government.

In February, Houthis had carried out a very strong offensive on Marib that is rich in oil and gas reserves to seize its control from the government. But they could not achieve much success due to strong response from government aided by Arab coalition. In past six months Houthis have killed at least 120 civilians, including 15 children, and over 220 have been injured in Marib attacks.

Cathy Westley, US’s top diplomat in Yemen said condemning the Tuesday attacks that Houthis must “accept a cease-fire and engage in negotiations on a peaceful settlement to the conflict”.



Alaina is a young writer passionate about sharing her work with the world. She has a strong interest in new writing styles and is always trying to find ways to be more creative.

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