Why has the international community pretended that Iran is a normal country?

Iran has understood that the Biden administration has no desire for tensions or clash in the Middle East – much less Europe – and therefore is willing to tolerate a lot to return to negotiate the nuclear dossier in Vienna, says analyst Karim Sadjadpour. “The Iranians have the same security as a merchant in the bazaar who understands that the American tourist will not leave without buying the carpet.”
An interview on the American NBC network explains in a few words the air of forced normalization that yesterday surrounded the installation of the new Iranian President, Ebrahim Raisi, which took place in Parliament in front of dignitaries and diplomats who arrived for the occasion from many nations.
The air of forced normalization because there is nothing normal in reality. It takes a diplomatic effort to ignore what’s going on these days. The Prime Minister of Slovenia, Janez Janša, appealed for democracy in Iran, speaking at the annual convention of the National Council of Resistance of Iran in mid-July. “The Iranians deserve democracy, freedom, human rights and must be firmly supported by the international community.” He then added that “the Iranian regime must answer for violations of human rights,” referring to the massacre of over 30,000 political opponents in 1988 by a Commission, called the death, of which the current Iranian President was actively part Ebrahim Raisi, as told by the pages of this newspaper on May 28th.
Janez Janša spoke as Prime Minister in the office of a country which, among other things, has assumed the rotating presidency of the European Union since early July. We also saw what condescension towards oppressive regimes like Iran leads to recently, when an Iranian diplomat plotted a bomb attack during the Convention of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, held in Paris in 2018. We had not heard a word from Borrell on the conviction of this agent and his accomplices.
While in Iran, executions and repression of all dissent forms continue today under the aegis of the current President Ebrahim Raisi, defined by the members of the regime as a “champion of the gallows.” The Convention of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), with its key component, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (MEK), was a success. With dozens of speeches by former Prime Ministers, Ministers of Foreign Affairs, parliamentarians, and personalities of the free and democratic world who have asked for the ascertainment of responsibility for crimes against humanity by the regime and its newly appointed President, Ebrahim Raisi.