Politics World

The dispute between France and Turkey in Libya continues

On Monday, the French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian released an interview to ‘Le Monde’ newspaper where he chided Turkey for purchasing Russian S-400 air

The National Police detain 3 people, one of them integrated into the terrorist organization DAESH
News World

World Bank alerts Yemen as famine-like conditions have rebounded in 3 governorates

Spanish National Police agents have arrested one of the most wanted Isis (Daesh) members in Europe on Tuesday in Almería, both for his criminal record

Middle East News World

How Qatar and Turkey try to destabilize Soudan through its militias

Dozens of the ousted Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir’s supporters demonstrated in the city of Kassala, 800 kilometers east of the capital, Khartoum, Friday, calling for

Middle East News World

Sudan denies again sending any military troops to Libya

Khartoum renewed its denial of the participation of any Sudanese forces in the fighting in Libya between the forces of the reconciliation government and the

Qatar , Africa ,terrorist groups ,
News World

Famous people and popular personalities used to embellish Qatar’s image in Africa.

Qatar is trying to maneuver between its relations with elements involved in terrorist acts and others that have a good international reputation in Africa, which

Coronavirus, covid-19, pandemic, Greece, Turkey, refugee crisis, border dispute, European Union,
News World

Greece fears Turkey could be pushing corona infected illegal immigrants across the border

Turkey is apparently employing psychological warfare to corner Greece and pressurize the European Union to finalize a New Deal. The Greek government has put its

Covid-19 , Libya . Militias ,
Middle East News World

Crimes of militias in the ‘liberation’ of western Libya

The fratricide among the Libyans continues. While the international press is busy with the last developments of the COVID-19 pandemic, the official version of Prime

Corona virus, social distance, Texas, Arizona, golf, gardening
News World

How American States Will Maintain Mental Health Of Residents During Lockdown

Governor Doug Ducey isn’t letting the spirits of people in his county die down under lockdown conditions. In Arizona, shelters-in-place are enjoying golfing. Doctors have

Covid-I9, iran , curfew
Middle East News World

A special sentence for a man not respecting the COVID-19 curfew in Iran

An Iranian court condemned a young man for violating measures to combat the novel coronavirus pandemic, COVID-19, by introducing a hookah into his coffee, to

Turkey , Libya , Forces ,
News World

Turkey sent another 300 foreign fighters to Libya

In recent days, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has sent another 300 Syrian fighters to Libya, in support of the militias affiliated to the Tripoli-based