Israel strikes Syrian port of Latakia, massive damage at the area


Syria SyriaSeveral videos posted on social media showed that Israel warplanes attacked a coastal city of Latakia firing missiles. On Tuesday, the report broke out and as per the latest development, it had caused a lot of damages and led to explosions.

This is reportedly the second Israeli strike this month at such a key facility. Israel has been silent for many years till now but recently it showed aggression towards the middle eastern country. This attack was after Israel noticed a large presence of Russian forces nearby.

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Israel went ahead with the attack despite Iran allegedly using the terminal meant for transport advanced ammunitions for its proxies in the region and those specifcally meant for the Lebanon based Hezebollah terror group.

As per the local Syrian channel stated that an unnamed military official confirmed that the strike had caused “massive material damage.” The latest development stressed that several missiles had struck the container area in the port.

As for the Israel Middle Eastense forces are concerned, they refrain from commenting anything on the matter of the policy meant for the country. The videos showed that there was a huge explosion and the whole port saw raging fire.

The fire spread so fast that there were several secondary blasts even after an hour of the attack. The local network called SANA stressed that the missiles came from the direction of the mediterranean.



Alaina is a young writer passionate about sharing her work with the world. She has a strong interest in new writing styles and is always trying to find ways to be more creative.

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