Iraq , oil , US ,
Middle East News World

Iraq: Katyusha missiles targeted a US oil company

On Monday morning, rockets landed near a foreign workers’ neighborhood in the oil sector which includes the American “Halliburton” company for oil services in Iraq,

Qatar, Somalia, terrorism support,Al-chabab
Middle East News

Qatar doubling efforts to spread terrorism in Somalia

Despite the Corona epidemic, with its global economic collapse and successive crises in all the world’s countries, the Qatari regime is still following the same

Libya , Europe , Cronavirus
Middle East News World

What’s happening in Libya while Europe is busy with the coronavirus?

While Europe is engaged in the fight against coronavirus, fighting between the Libyan National Army (LNA) led by Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar and armed groups

Middle East News World

IRAN denies Trump’s accusations and warns him about security threats

Iran will react harshly if the United States does anything to undermine Iran’s security, Iranian chief of staff Mohammad Baqeri said on Thursday. “If the

Middle East News World

IRAN denies Trump’s accusations and warns him about security threats

Iran will react harshly if the United States does anything to undermine Iran’s security, Iranian chief of staff Mohammad Baqeri said on Thursday. “If the

Middle East News World

Trump : Iran is preparing to attack US

US President Donald Trump warned yesterday in a tweet , Iran against an attack on American soldiers in Iraq. “We don’t want hostilities, but if

Lybia , Erdogan , UN, EU
Middle East News

EU launches IRINI operation to impose the arms embargo on Libya, violated by Erdogan

As part of efforts to enforce the UN arms embargo on Libya, the European Union (EU) announced on Tuesday the launch of the EUNAVFOR MED

Middle East News World

Linda Sarsour uses corona’s cause to raise donations for terror-linked organization

Linda Sarsour is exploiting the coronavirus pandemic outbreak as an opportunity to raise money for the American Islamic Relief Organization, which holds ties with several

Qatar ,Somalia , Jubaland,
Middle East News

How Qatar divides Somalia for its own interests

Qatar continues to use Somalia as an arena for its games of helping both sides : the government and the terrorist organizations. It is a

Iran , Twitter ,
Middle East News

Twitter suspends accounts of Iran’s Supreme Leader Khamenei

Twitter temporarily suspended early Tuesday English, Arabic, Persian and Urdu Twitter accounts belonging to Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. His English and Persian accounts