Category: News
Lebanon Tries Ways To Revive Its Falling Dollar
Lebanon–Amidst trouble over corruption, Lebanon is trying hard to revive its currency. As the Lebanese currency hits rock bottom, efforts are now being made by
First ever Iraqi speaker suspended after a controversial parliamentary session
Iraq–The Supreme Federal Court on Thursday suspended the parliament speaker along with his two deputies and the order will be kept till any further ruling
Bahraini Activists Marks Uprising Anniversary In Bahrain
Bahrain–Bahraini activists commemorated the tenth anniversary of the 2011 pro-democracy uprisings amid heavy repression in the country. Bahrain is suffering from human rights abuses, including
Iraq Off European List For Countries Topping Terror Financing
Iraq– Iraq that had been added six years ago to the list of countries risky due to money laundering has cleared its marred image and
Yemeni fighters win over Houthis in Shabwa province
Yemen–Controlling the spread of Houthis, Yemeni fighters have occupied full control over the energy-rich Shabwa province after continuously fighting with the Houthi rebels. The group
Carnegie: The electoral process in Libya has exacerbated divisions and the prospects for stability are becoming more complex
Libya– The Carnegie Middle East Center said that the entire electoral process has exacerbated divisions in Libya rather than bridged them, where the legal basis
Djibouti: Soldiers Help Fix The Only Well In Chabelley Village
Djibouti–Djibouti only sees around 4.7 inches of the average annual rainfall. It makes a reliable water source as precious as gold. With so little rainfall,
A New General is nominated by Biden to lead military operations in the Middle East
According to numerous defense sources and nomination paperwork given to Congress, President Joe Biden is proposing Army Lt. Gen. Michael Erik Kurilla to be the
Iran Washes Hands Off Iraq Over Gas Provisions For Electricity
Iran– Iraq has been severely hit by power shortage as Iran decides to completely leave the former in lurch. It is strange to note that
Iraq terror funding allegations land Pfizer, AstraZeneca with a lawsuit revived by US court
Iraq– A lawsuit has been revived by US appeals court against vaccine manufacturers Pfizer, AstraZeneca and other companies. Under the lawsuit it has been alleged