Qatar re-intervenes in Somalia Politics amid political crisis


These days, Somalia election campaign is in full swing. Governments and international stakeholders are emerging who want to play a role in Somali politics, especially during election days. The Federal government is brokering international stakeholders to bring him back to power. In the 2016 election, he won the support of the governments of Qatar and Turkey, which spent a lot of money for his election. At this critical juncture, Farmajo has telephoned the governments of Qatar asking for support to return to office.

Yesterday President Farmajo has spoken by telephone with the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamin Bin Hamad Al-Thani reflecting the political pressure exerted by the opposition. Farmajo and Thani discussed issues including Somalia-Qatar relations, the latest developments and Qatar’s projects in the country. Meanwhile, reports say that Farmajo has demanded that the Emir of Qatar work with him to win the election. Qatar is one of the countries that is directly interfering in Somali politics. Qatar has played a major role in the political crisis in Somalia, directly supporting the Farmajo government, which has failed to provide security in Somalia. At the same time, it has pushed Farmajo to cut ties with other countries in order to gain political clout in Somali politics.

According to reports, Prince Tamin pledged his government’s commitment to strengthening its support for the Somali government and its good relations with Farmajo. Political analysts, meanwhile, say it is time for Farmajo to call for foreign intervention in Somalia’s 2021 elections. For his part, President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo thanked the Emir of Qatar for his government’s continued support to Somalia. The talks between the two officials were interpreted as a cover-up for the political failure and pressure on the opposition to come to the negotiating table.

A further tragedy for the Somali people is the impact of Qatar and Farmajo’s excessive dependence on Doha and its interference in Somalia’s foreign policy. Qatar is accused of being behind the appointment of FahadYassin to the intelligence Agency. Apparently, Qatar forced Farmajo to appoint this guy, who was rumored to have a direct relationship with Qatar and representing the interests of them.

NISA operations are not currently focused on the fight against al-Shabaab, and are instead designed to silence political opposition and critical voices in civil society. Qatar wants to return to the Somali political arena and backed Mr.Farmajo at a time when the country is in a difficult situation and political dispute. Somali political parties must ignore their differences and work together to counter Farmajo’s illegal ambitions. Somalia, where it is today, cannot survive a second period of bitter rule, incompetence, and revenge led by Farmajo. Such an administration along with Qatar undermines national Somalia sovereignty.



Alaina is a young writer passionate about sharing her work with the world. She has a strong interest in new writing styles and is always trying to find ways to be more creative.

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