Separating facts from fiction: Trump vs Biden Presidential town halls


Since fortnight, the Democratic and Republican national convention was held for the first time virtually due to the pandemic. The prime time television displayed two drastically contrasting Americas and two profoundly distinct conclusions of the pandemic.

The Democrats attacked Trump’s administration and unfitted for office; While the Republicans acknowledged his generosity of spirit and competence for office. The Democrats also hit at President Trump’s handling of the pandemic, the rising death toll, and the major economic downfall; Whereas, the Republicans hardly spoke of the virus and preferred building confidence in voters. Democratic Joe Biden and President Donald Trump confronted curious voters on discrete stages in various urban cities on Thursday night in a replacement for the debate. Here’s a bit on how their rhetoric differed when compared with the facts:

Replacing the debate with contending discussions with voters was a fitting image of a politically isolated and socially separated America. Rather than addressing, or in any event, yelling at, one another, Trump and Joe Biden talked past one another on various television channels, permitting Americans to pick a candidate as per their choice.

On NBC in Miami; Trump stated that the US had the best economy in history.” 3.5% unemployment rate ere the recession was at 50 years low yet the level of individuals working or looking for jobs was still under a 2000 pinnacle. Growth under Trump was equated annually to 2.48% before the virus outbreak which is somewhat better than the second term of the Obama rule. In Miami, Trump consistently said that when he sees a large number of ballots dumped in a trash bin and they end up having his name on it? I’m distraught about it. While according to facts nobody has seen that.

However, Trump has repeatedly made baseless attacks on voting, voting security, and election fraud are rare. There are no cases involving thousands of ballots unloaded in the refuse trashed that have been reported this year. Similarly, Joe Biden too responded to questions at ABC in Philadelphia. Regarding the U.S. troops in Afghanistan, he stated that they have more people there than when he left Afghanistan, while the fact of the matter is different.

The U.S. presently has around 5,000 soldiers in Afghanistan. The troop level didn’t dip less than 8,400 before President Obama left office. In Trump’s initial month in the White House, the U.S. had about 8,500 troops in Afghanistan. The number of troops in Afghanistan crested at 100,000 out of 2010 and well into the following year. Obama pulled back a thousand troops; however, he couldn’t fulfill commitments to decrease them to 5,500 during his last days of administration.

The most trending statement by Trump on the Covid-19, when he stated that 85% of the individuals that wear face masks get infected … that is the thing that I heard and that is the thing that I saw. There are numerous individuals wearing face masks yet, at that point you see CDC coming out with a statement that 85% of individuals wearing covers get infected.

Though, the truth of the matter is that He’s repeatedly botching the scientific study. Nonetheless, 85% of the little group of COVID-19 patients surveyed around 150 on this question detailed they had worn a mask frequently or consistently all the time otherwise they would have got infected.

The group’s exposure to conceivably tainted individuals in the community differed. Mostly they were reported to have gone frequently on shopping or staying at home with many family members. Moreover, they were twice as liable to have eaten at a café, where masks have to be removed for eating, in comparison to uninfected individuals in a restraint group.

According to the CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, Most researches have proved that wearing face masks decreases the transmission of the SARS-COV-2 virus by preventing respiratory vapors.



Alaina is a young writer passionate about sharing her work with the world. She has a strong interest in new writing styles and is always trying to find ways to be more creative.

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