
Turkish regime seeks to isolate Israel through ‘reconciliation’

Israeli-Turkish relations have become increasingly volatile, sometimes reaching complex level. Their differences change as tensions in the Middle East become more acute. Turkey has downgraded


Any new deal with Iran must be a deterrent to developing a nuclear program GCC General Secretory

Iran wants to be the nuclear power in the Middle East and have the upper hand in regional politics. The GCC believes that Iran is

Middle East

Testing time ahead for United States’ Middle East policy

With less than two months left for Donald Trump‘s presidency to come to an end in the united states president-elect Joe Biden is looking at


Jordanian King and Palestinian leader looks forward to Biden administration to re-introduce two-state solution

On Sunday, Jordanian King Abdullah met Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to discuss ways to re-introduce the two-state formation as a solution to the decades old


Qatar violates international law, stops two Bahrain vessels conducting maritime exercise

On Wednesday, Bahrain accused Qatar of violating international law, when latter intercepted two of its coastguard vessels conducting maritime exercise in its territorial waters. Bahrain’s


Netanyahu tells Joe Biden not to return to Iran nuclear deal

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has sent a clear message to US President-elect Joe Biden on Sunday that he will not return to the 2015


A deadly future for Qatar real estate

The coronavirus health emergency is putting a strain on the economies of every country worldwide. After numerous reports denouncing the falsification of the numbers of


Russia and Turkey inflame anti-European sentiments

Communication plays an increasingly important role in the policies of each country and, above all, in geopolitics. Each country enjoys the support of public media

Middle East

WHO warns the Middle East regarding a deadly second wave of coronavirus

On Friday, the World Health Organization (WHO) official stated that the Middle East should get ready for a deadly second wave of coronavirus pandemic in


Europe, US join hands to address Erdogan’s aggressive strategy in Middle East

On Monday, French President Emmanuel Macron, received US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for a discreet meeting described as a “courtesy” visit. The two met