The Islamic State of the Afghan province of Khorasan plans a terrorist apocalypse at Kabul airport, intelligence sources say


The latest intelligence note collected by the CIA and shared with the allied secret services is dated yesterday. And for today, August 26, in Kabul, he announces that terrorist apocalypse allegedly promised and planned, after the fall of the capital, by ISKP, the Islamic State of the Afghan province of Khorasan.

The one generically evoked in the last seventy-two hours by the White House and the American press and which, for four days, has been taking away sleep from Washington and the chancelleries of the NATO countries. The one who convinced CIA director William Burns to meet in Kabul, the Taliban leader Abdul Ghani Baradar.

Four cars stuffed with explosives – this is the account of the alert – would be ready to be detonated, in sequence, at Abby gate. This last entrance announces the Kabul airport, among the thousands of refugees contained by NATO soldiers, try to enter the belly of the military transport planes that lead to freedom. A first explosion – the alert still indicates – followed, at a distance, by three others.

As confirmed to The Arab Posts by two different and qualified intelligence sources, yesterday’s alert was preceded by at least two other reports on Monday and Tuesday. Equally precise in indicating the matrix (the ISKP) and the execution methods of a massacre at the airport planned before the deadline of August 31. A rocket launch inside the airport perimeter, rather than a surface-to-air missile, against one NATO military aircraft taking off with its load of refugees.

In this prophecy of death, conveyed to American intelligence and shared by the NATO countries Intelligence, there is a logic that makes the threat immediately credible. ISKP, the Islamic State of the province of Khorasan, a territory on the Afghan border with Pakistan, is an acronym that has not only signed, from 2015 onwards, all the primary attacks in Kabul.

But it is, above all, the acronym that, with bloody obstinacy, in the last six years, has contested the Taliban for the monopoly of terrorist operations against military and civilian targets within the country. The belief is that the Pashtun ethnic group is religiously “impure” and politically compromised with the American devil. A hatred returned as, on August 15, the day of the fall of Kabul into the Taliban, the events that occurred in Pul-i-Charkhi, the city’s prison.

Of the five thousand detainees freed by the Taliban, reportedly executed only one on the spot by Koranic students: Abu Omar Khorasani, one of the top commanders of IS in Southeast Asia, detained for a year after being arrested by the Ghani government police. Therefore, if the hand that seeks the massacre is plausible, it is also apparent the motive. Drown in blood, under the eyes of the world and in one fell swoop, the White House and the new lords of Kabul.



Alaina is a young writer passionate about sharing her work with the world. She has a strong interest in new writing styles and is always trying to find ways to be more creative.

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