EU Rejects Trump Pushed Middle Eastern Plan

Earlier it was Palestinian politicians who have gone arms against the Washington pushed Middle Eastern Plan.
  Earlier it was Palestinian politicians who have gone arms against Washington pushed Middle Eastern Plan. Now, it is the European Union that has reservations against the plan and seems to have rejected it, due to unfair division of the annexation regions.  It is now confirmed that the European Union has formally rejected Trump’s proposal of a Middle East Plan, which is looking more skewed towards Israel and does not address the concerns of the Palestinians. They have expressed concern about Israel’s plans to annex more Palestinian land.   Speaking over the rejection, the EU has further underlined the bloc’s commitment to a two-state solution, based along the 1967 lines. According to the proposed plan, Palestine would have an independent state but with a heavy price to pay with its chunks of ownership being comfortably transferred to Israel. As a political gimmick, PM Netanyahu of Israel strategically withdrew with immunity plea, hours before Trump announced the Middle Eastern Plan that would give Netanyahu more teeth than he needs in his jaw.   EU Foreign Policy chief Joseph Borrel speaking over the matter representing the sentiment of all EU nations said “To build a just and lasting peace, the unresolved final status issues must be decided through direct negotiations between both parties. This includes notably the issues related to borders, the status of Jerusalem, security and the refugee question.”   The Palestinians seek all of the West Bank and East Jerusalem — areas captured by Israel in the 1967 Mideast war — for an independent state and the removal of more than 700,000 Israeli settlers from these areas. But the plan sides heavily with Netanyahu’s hard-line nationalist vision for the region and shunts aside many of the Palestinians’ core demands.   Palestinians have been pressured by certain Arab nations to approve of Trump pushed the plan, while some other Middle East nations are not in support of the plan. Those in support are essentially the ones who have strong military and trade relations with the US. To see more articles Arab News Latest, Arab Politics News click.


Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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