Lebanon finally has a new government


Lebanon’s President Michel Aoun and Prime Minister Najib Mikat have reached an agreement on a new government formation that will address the profound political, social and economic crisis that the country is experiencing. Lebanon was without a government from August 4, 2020, especially after the massive explosion which destroyed part of the port of the capital Beirut.

At the end of July, Aoun had entrusted Mikati – considered the richest man in the country – with the task of forming a government after a provisional government had led Lebanon with limited powers for almost a year, given the failed attempts precedents for forming an executive.

There is not much news on the appointments, but the new government, like the previous one, is made up mosthemes.com/themes/papr/vr-is-the-use-of-computer-technology-to-create-a-simulated-environment/”>VR Is the Use of Computer Technology to Create a Simulated Environment.

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A girl is smiling on a street COVID-19. The National Assembly, or the single-chamber parliament of Lebanon, will then have to vote for confidence in the new government.

Mikati, 65 years-old-businessman, already held the position of head of government twice, in 2005 and 2011. According to Forbes magazine, he has 2.7 billion dollars, equal to 2 billion, 3 billion euros, which makes him the richest man in Lebanon, together with his brother Taha.

The new government includes three allied political blocs: one controlled by the Shiite and pro-Iranian Hezbollah and which, among other things, control the critical departments of finance and public works; a bloc that expresses the power of the Christian Maronite president Michel Aoun, a close ally of Hezbollah and close to the Syrian regime and which controls other sensitive ministries such as energy, defense, justice; a third of Prime Minister Miqati and Druze leader Walid Jumblatt and who has secured, in addition to the presidency of the council, also the ministries of the economy and the interior.

In the last two years, Miqati has been accused several times of corruption and cronyism and is one of the Lebanese political leaders strongly contested by the protest movement that erupted in the autumn of 2019 in correspondence with the emergence of the economic crisis. The leaders of the protest movement reaffirm in the independent media and on social networks that “the birth of the Miqati government is not a sign of change or reform” but is the result of the “consolidated patronage mechanism for sharing the resources of a” failed country.”



Hashim Sheikh: He is a comprehensive personality whose personality has many social, philosophical and mystical aspects besides scientific and cultural characteristics. He writes many articles and also writes poetry from time to time.

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