Middle East

Women are back to conduct tv shows in Afghanistan

Women are back to conduct television in Afghanistan after two days of absence. Yesterday morning from the studios of Tolo News, the first Afghan news

Middle East

Afghanistan, Biden defends the US decision: “We were there just to fight terrorism”

“The longest of the American wars ends, I don’t change my decision, I won’t pass this war to a fifth president: how many more lives

Middle East

The Afghan army crumbles with bribery, Taliban 50 km from Kabul

The Taliban blitzkrieg arrived in Herat, the base of the Italian contingent until a few weeks ago: the resistance of the militia of the elderly

Middle East

Lebanon Central Bank stop fuel subsidies

Gasoline prices in Lebanon may soon increase by at least five times, Beirut media reported today in the aftermath of the Lebanese Central Bank’s announcement

Middle East

Israel surrounded, new threats from Iran and Hezbollah

The encirclement around Israel tightens first the rockets with exchanges of fire responses with Hezbollah from southern Lebanon. Then the trip to Teheran of the

Middle East

The Taliban attack radio stations, no music in Afghanistan

There are still winds of war in Afghanistan; after the complete abandonment of the territories by the international coalition for days, the attacks of the

Middle East

Israel launches airstrikes on Lebanon in response to rocket attacks

Israel on Thursday launched its first airstrikes on Lebanon in seven years in response to recent rocket attacks across the bordering territory. The Israeli Defence

Middle East

Israel first country to launch third dose of covid vaccine

In Israel, the decision to administer the third dose of the Covid-19 vaccine was not easy, as Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett stated. For about

Middle East

Oil tankers hijacked in the Gulf, malevolent action by Iran

Amidst the flurry of rumors, suspected hijackings of ships, alleged Tehran militiamen armed on board, and veiled threats, one thing is sure: the tension in

Middle East

Moscow doubles its contingent on the Afghan border

Russia and Uzbekistan have started joint exercises on the border with Afghanistan amid fears that the instability in the country could infect all of Central