Israel-Palestine conflict
Middle East

Global efforts underway to stop violence in Israel-Palestine conflict

Israel, on Tuesday, carried out a fresh wave of airstrikes on what it claimed to be militant targets in Gaza as more than a week

Middle East

Saudi Arabia releases Osama bin Laden’s half-brother

Saudi Arabia released construction magnate and patriarch of the bin Laden family, Bakr bin Laden, who was arrested in November 2017 and detained at the

Iran Saudi Arabia
Middle East

Winds of change in the Middle East. Iran confirms ongoing dialogues with Saudi Arabia

The Islamic Republic of Iran and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia cut bilateral relations in 2016 over scandals over the execution of a Shiite cleric

Middle East

Why Is Russia Invested In Portable Docks Near Syria?

Russia is now planning to build a floating dock, off the Syrian coast. This is not good news for Syria at all. While the world

Middle East

Why Lebanon Is Going To Lose Turkish Electricity Too?

Accruing to the worst financial crises that Lebanon has faced in over a decade, it is now under fire for going dark. Running its services

Middle East

Syria and Saudi Arabia ready to re-establish full diplomatic relations, Arab media reveal

The Syrian conflict, after more than ten years from its beginning, could have come to a turning point. Indeed, local media revealed the arrival of

Middle East

Turkey, Erdogan knocks on the doors of the Caucasus

In recent years, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has pursued an increasingly aggressive foreign policy towards surrounding regions to revive the Ottoman Empire. Not only

Middle East

Al-Qaeda returns to threaten the United States, “the war is not ended, get out of the whole Islamic world”

Two days after the 10th anniversary of Osama bin Laden’s death, al Qaeda intervenes in Afghanistan in a rare interview by one of its leaders

Middle East

A jihadist attack in Burkina Faso kills three foreign journalists

Yet another terrorist attack in Burkina Faso, there are deaths and injuries. Three journalists, two Spaniards, and an Irishman, and a fourth person were killed

Middle East

In Syria and Iraq, Daesh is not died yet

The self-proclaimed Islamic State, Isis or Daesh, lost some battles, but not yet the war. The military defeat of Daesh within its “metropolitan territories” in