American Students Embracing Arab Culture

Are American Students Embracing Arab Culture More Than Arabs Themselves?

‘Freedom of expression’ or ‘right to express’, and ‘right to protest’ – are some very common words that carry the meaning of beautiful democracy. In

iraq jordan ties to strenghthen

Iraq-Jordan ties to strengthen in coming years

Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani and King Abdullah of Jordan got a chance to meet recently in Munich, Germany where they discussed several aspects

oil price could exceed $100 a barrel if middle east conflict worsens, world bank warns

Burj al-Barajneh embraces Red Triangle as Symbol of Palestinian Resistance Revival

All through the back streets of Beirut’s Burj al-Barajneh outcast camp, the striking picture of the red triangle multiplies, carved on dividers and storefront screens

 israel iran tensions highlight strategic postures and regional risks

Balancing act: Israel-Iran tensions highlight strategic postures and regional risks

The progressing pressures between Israel and Iran have set the stage for a dubious circumstance in the Middle East, provoking concerns around the potential for

escalating israel iran tensions heighten regional uncertainty amidst military maneuvers.

Escalating Israel-Iran tensions heighten regional uncertainty amidst military maneuvers.

In the perplexing embroidered artwork of Middle Eastern geopolitics, a winning sense of negativity regularly wins. The people and examiners who predict the most exceedingly

restricted gaza access raises global concerns for press freedom

Restricted Gaza access raises global concerns for press freedom

The attack on Ukraine by Russia in 2022 served as an essential moment for worldwide news coverage. Newsrooms around the world mixed to convey their

iran's limited impact retaliation against israel

Iran’s limited impact retaliation against Israel amidst growing support

The recent trade of dangers between Iran and Israel speaks to a noteworthy heightening in pressures that have stewed for a long time. Iran’s choice

israel palestine conflict

Promoting accountability through balanced criticism in conflict resolution

In the progressing Israeli-Palestinian strife, there exists a squeezing requirement for leaders and activists on both sides to engage in adjusted feedback, calling out radicals

syria thrives amidst war

Syria thrives amidst war, geopolitics and economic challenges

Since the flare-up of respectful war in Syria in 2011, the nation has been inundated in a frenzy of savagery, uprooting and financial collapse. The

kuwait's snap elections balance continuity with limited new voices

Kuwait’s snap elections balance continuity with limited new voices

The recent snap elections in Kuwait, the fourth in the past 40 months, have once more brought to the cutting edge the perplexing move of