Afghanistan president : the billion dollar aid cut by us won’t affect us

World, politics ,international ,Afghanistan ,USA ,news

The US State Department had announced earlier that Washington would cut one billion dollars in economic aid to Afghanistan in response to the ongoing political deadlock.

Afghan President Muhammad Ashraf Abdul Ghani said that Washington’s decision to cut one billion dollars of its aid to the country will not affect the main sectors and departments in Afghanistan. The government is already studying plans to deal with unforeseen circumstances.

The Afghan president pledged that the government would try to fill the void of alternative resources, and added that the government would continue its efforts to resolve the issue through negotiations.   UNSC

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According to a statement issued by the US State Department, Washington is considering deducting an additional billion dollars from its aid to Afghanistan next year.

The administration of US President Donald Trump decided to cut a billion dollars from its aid to Afghanistan after Afghan President Ashraf Abdulghani and his rival Abdullah Abdullah failed to resolve their political dispute, after US State Secretary Mike Pompeo visited Kabul, and the American newspaper The Hill quoted Pompeo as saying In a statement, the United States expresses its deepest regret at having been informed by Afghan President Ashraf Abdul Ghani and former CEO Abdullah Abdullah that they have been unable to agree on a government capable of facing the challenges of governance, peace and security, a government capable to provide health insurance and social welfare of Afghan citizens.

Pompeo added that the United States considered Abdul Ghani and Abdullah’s actions “disappointing”, as their failure to form a unified government harmed US-Afghan relations, explaining that “this failure of leadership poses direct and immediate threats to US national interests, and, accordingly, the US government will begin to review the scope of its cooperation”. With Afghanistan. ”  

The US State Secretary confirmed that Washington is also ready to cut another billion dollars next year and will start reviewing all of its programs and projects to determine the additional cuts.

Despite cuts in US aid, Pompeo insisted that the United States will not abandon its partnership with Afghanistan and its commitment to support Afghan security forces, and evidence of that, the US State Secretary announced giving $ 15 million to help combat the spread of the Corona virus in Afghanistan.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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