Hagia Sophia, Turkish government linked magazine calls for establish Islamic caliphate

Now Hagia Sophia and Turkey are independent. Get together for Caliphate, affirms the latest cover of the Turkish magazine Gercek-Hayat, literally “True Life” in English. “If not now, when? If not you, who?” it goes on to say, in both Turkish, English, and Arabic, celebrating the reconversion of Hagia Sophia cathedral into a mosque. The title is reminiscent of Daesh’s propaganda in its media, confirming that the terrorist group shares the same goal with Erdogan: the creation of an Islamic State with the borders of the buried Ottoman Empire.
The cover displays the Arabic words of the Islamic declaration of faith known as the shahada. “Gercet-Hayat” seems to call for Erdogan to speed up his expansionist project after the conversion of Hagia Sophia. The magazine prays for the Turkish president to establish Islamic rule that transcends Ankara’s borders. Erdogan has already been working on this maleficent plan for some time, supporting dangerous jihadists in northern Syria, as well as transferring thousands of Syrian mercenaries to Libya and soon also to Yemen, Iraq, and Lebanon.]
But the cover of the Turkish magazine is not the only similarity to the propaganda of the terrorist groups. Many Muslims could not do without the symbolism used by the Muslim Brotherhood during the first Islamic ritual celebrated in the Istanbul cathedral. After covering the precious frescoes depicting the Holy Family, imam gives the first Friday sermon at Hagia Sophia with a sword at hand. According to the Turkish journalist at Middle East Eye, Rajip Soylu, the sword represents “the conquest” of the building along with two green flags, and three crescents that symbolize three continents which Erdogan dreams to conquest.
Read More: The economic crisis impedes the expansionist aims of the Turkish regime
The Turkish journalist Abdurrahman Dilipak, who shared the magazine cover on Twitter, stated last year that Erdogan earned the title of “Caliph,” replacing Osama Bin Laden and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. According to Ahval newspaper, in an interview released last March, Dilipak affirmed that the Caliphate now rests with President Erdogan.
It’s interesting to note that Gercek Hayat is an Islamist weekly magazine linked to the Turkish government, former Turkish parliament member AykanErdemir said. The publishers of Gercek Hayat own one of the leading pro-Erdogan daily newspapers in Turkey, which has received significant economic support from government and pro-government entities over the years, Erdemir added. The former MP, recently appointed as director of the Turkey Program at the US thinktank Foundation for Defense of Democracies, also highlighted that the magazine has a history of publications against religious minorities in Turkey, including Christians and Jewish people.
In May, religious minorities in Turkey condemned the magazine for linking three religious minority leaders, the Chief Rabbi, the Armenian patriarch, and the Greek Orthodox ecumenical patriarch, to terrorism. This propaganda follows the agenda of Erdogan’s regime. If Ankara was truly concerned about the weekly’s targeting of religious minorities, the Government could has prevented providing economic support to its administrators and arrested the editorial staff as happens for thousands of independent journalists and media operators from 2015.