Headline How Saudi Arabia Is Acting Wise IN Handling A Health Crises

Dr. Abdullatif bin Abdulaziz Al Al-Sheikh, Minister of Islamic Affairs, Call and Guidance, instructed the ministry’s branches in the Kingdom that Friday public prayer be performed in the nearest mosques to the grand mosques in the Kingdom to prevent overcrowding

The whole world needs to unite their resources and good vibes to fight the demon of an illness, whose cure is yet to be found. As the Covid-19 virus engulfs more than 70 percent of the world, Saudi Arabia has made a noble gesture of offering financial aid in the form of a donation to the United Nations.

Iraq Might See Dull Election Outcome In October

 In a sad revelation, political experts are pre-empting a disappointing outcome of the Iraqi elections for the country. Unless a high voter turnout happens, along


Fuel Wars in Lebanon spikes to cause more terror than before

It is evidently seen that Lebanese drivers have to stand in line for hours to get their car fueled up to get gasoline. It is



Students and Activists join Climate protests in Germany

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Sudan Government blames pro-Bashir groups for the attack

  • . September 21, 2021

Inspiration4: A surprising exchange of congratulations between Bezos and Musk

  • . September 17, 2021

Space X Creates History By Sending Civilians Into Space

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PM Henry under suspicion of Moise assassination, banned from exiting Haiti

  • . September 15, 2021

North Korea tests Cruise Missiles, Japan voices their concerns

  • . September 13, 2021



The West focuses on Kabul and forgets Lebanon




Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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