Iran Nuclear Deal: is there a positive outcome after rounds of talks?


Iran IranFinally Iran nuclear deal talks appear to be on a verge of positive outcome, or at least heading towards one. Nuclear deal talks in Vienna have completed eight rounds of negotiations, attended by Germany and five members of the United Nations Security Council. But the talks are still on a tightrope keeping in mind Iran’s fluctuating stand. In case Iran reverses its position or sets new and tougher conditions for revival of the deal, any progress made in the nuclear deal might go back to square one.

Recent resignation from the delegation engaged in Vienna negotiations of Richard Nephew, the deputy of United States special envoy for Iran, Robert Malley hints towards some progress in the deal process with inclination towards Iran. Nephew had always favoured a tougher approach, citing his long negotiating experience with Iran. Experts say that this might be a reason for continued disagreement during Vienna talks among the delegation members. Nephew is said to be a big supporter of JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) or Iran Nuclear Deal formulated under former US President Barack Obama.

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The deal, as visioned by Obama, was aimed to put a curb on Iran’s aggressive nuclear program in exchange of lifting of sanctions on Tehran. But when US exited the deal under Trump administration in 2018 and re-imposed the sanctions on Iran, the latter reciprocated by bolstering its nuclear programme and uranium enrichment. This gave other countries panic attack as Iran moved closer to developing a nuclear program. This is when the talks for revival of Iran nuclear deal began in Vienna under Biden administration. US is just a silent member of negotiating talks as Iran has refused to directly engage with US negotiators.

Recent insider reports indicate that new developments in talks have hinted at Robert Malley giving greater concessions to Iran for revival of the deal. This indicates revival going towards Iran’s favor with possible lifting of sanctions as well as some greater concessions. This could be a turning point in negotiations with further strategic talks from US as well as Iran.



Sulaiman keeps an important eye on domestic and international politics while he has mastered history.

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