Iraq: Isis claims a double terrorist attack in Baghdad


Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, was rocked by a double suicide attack in the crowded Tayaran Square market on Thursday morning. According to police sources quoted by the local press, the death toll is 35 dead and at least 80 injured, but some are in very serious condition. Therefore, the authorities fear that the death toll could rise in the next few hours. The staff of Doctors Without Borders (DWB) are also working in the emergency room of al-Kindi hospital. In this structure, the Doctors Without Borders teams manage a Covid-19 ward and an intensive care unit.

For some time there have been no kamikaze attacks in Baghdad. That is a method more used in the past by rebel militias, including the self-proclaimed Islamic State (Isis). So-called dormant cells of Daesh still operate in the country. So much so that the Iraqi authorities accused them yesterday morning of being behind the double attack in the capital.General Kazem Selman, director of Iraqi Civil Protection, said that the attack is reminiscent in terms and execution of those carried out by ISIS. The terrorist organization, through its propaganda organ, claimed responsibility for the double suicide bombing only last night. The last time that central Baghdad was hit by such bombs and suicide attacks was in June 2019.

Read more : Iraqi Election Commission postpones general election to October

Iraq has declared the self-styled Islamic State militarily defeated since December 2017, but many cells of the organization continue to exist and, in some cases, to operate, especially in the desert regions of the Middle Eastern country.Also, the Iraqi authorities have already adopted changes in the security apparatus. Minister Al-Kazemi has issued orders for main changes in the security services. First of all: dismissal from his post as Deputy Interior Minister for Intelligence Services, Lieutenant General Amer Saddam, and Lieutenant General Ahmed Abu Ragheef’s assignment to the Interior Ministry for Intelligence Services.

The international community expressed its indignation at the news of the attack that hit Baghdad and sent its condolences to the victims’ families, wishing for a speedy recovery to the wounded.Also, Pope Francis said to be deeply saddened by the attack. “In deploring this senseless act of brutality, he prays for the deceased victims and their families, for the injured, and the personnel involved in the rescue. Trusting that all will continue to work to overcome the violence with fraternity, solidarity, and peace, Pope Francis invokes on the blessing of the Highest upon its people.” A telegram signed by Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican Secretary of State, addressed to the President of Iraq Barham Salih, writes. The Pope is expected for an official visit to Iraq from 5 to 8 March, but for now there is no certainty about it.



Alaina is a young writer passionate about sharing her work with the world. She has a strong interest in new writing styles and is always trying to find ways to be more creative.

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