Top 10 Most Popular Apps Of 2022 For iOS And Android

Apps Of 2022

There are many applications in the Playstore. People use these applications for watching videos, chatting with friends, and improving education. Today, we present to you the list of the top 10 most popular Apps of 2022.

Top 10 most popular Apps


TikTok retained its spot as the most downloaded app in 2022 so far. TikTok has surpassed more than 3.5 billion total downloads. In China, TikTok is accessed by over 600 million users daily. TikTok was launched in 2016 in China. The application is still popular among youth.


Facebook is the second most popular app in 2022 so far. It has more than 5 billion downloads in the Playstore. Facebook is used for sharing photos, writing posts, searching for information, reading news, and other activities. Many people have been using Facebook for over ten years now.

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Instagram had more than 150 million downloads during the first quarter of 2022. In the Playstore, it has more than 1 billion downloads. The app is the perfect place for observing the life of celebrities. Instagram is a photo and video sharing platform.


WhatsApp is still very popular among social media users. WhatsApp is used for communicating with friends, family members, and colleagues. WhatsApp has photo and document sharing features. WhatsApp had more than 125 million downloads during the first quarter of 2022.


People use Telegram to communicate with friends and colleagues. In this app, you can also send photos, videos, and documents of any type. You can also find people by their usernames. The app has more than 1 billion downloads on Playstore.


Zoom became widely popular during the Covid-19 pandemic. It is one of the top video conferencing applications. It can be used for video conferencing meetings, audio conferencing, webinars, and live chat.


Snapchat is quite popular among youth, especially college students. It is a popular messaging app that lets users exchange pictures and videos that disappear after a certain period.

Facebook Messenger

Like Facebook, this app also has more than 5 billion downloads in the playstore. Facebook Messenger is a very popular application. Facebook Messenger is an instant messaging feature built into Facebook. In this app, people can send instant messages, photos, and videos.


Duolingo is used to learn new languages. The app has more than 100 million downloads in the Playstore. People enjoy learning new languages through this app.


Amazon is used for shopping. The app offers every type of product. It has 310 daily active users. The app has more than 100 million downloads in the Playstore.

These are the list of the top 10 most popular Apps of 2022. Which is your favourite App?



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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