Bahraini Activists Marks Uprising Anniversary In Bahrain


Bahrain BahrainBahraini activists commemorated the tenth anniversary of the 2011 pro-democracy uprisings amid heavy repression in the country. Bahrain is suffering from human rights abuses, including the arrest and torture of children.

The Covid-19 pandemic also affected the country. Health and hygiene conditions in Bahrain’s overcrowded prisons remain extremely serious. Death sentences in Bahrain have increased in the last ten years. Reportedly, three detainees died in Bahraini prisons in 2021 because of the inadequate medical facility.

Ten years after Bahrain’s pro-democracy uprising, the authorities have tried to put an end to all critical voices and severely restricted any space for the opposition. Reportedly, Bahrain further restricted online content by amending the Press Law to require news. The country banned electronic media from publishing content that can create conflict in the country or the constitution.

According to Human Rights Watch, between 2020 and 2021, at least 58 people were arrested, detained, or prosecuted for their online activities. Reportedly, thirteen prominent people have been serving lengthy prison terms since their arrest in 2011 for their roles in pro-democracy demonstrations.

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The 2011 Bahraini uprising

The 2011 Bahraini uprising was a series of anti-government protests in Bahrain led by the Shia-dominant who accused the Al Khalifa monarchy of political persecution. After the 2011 Bahraini uprising, Sunni-ruled Bahrain has pursued a wide-ranging security crackdown. Hundreds have been imprisoned and stripped of their nationality, sometimes in mass trials. Reportedly, the main opposition parties have been banned. The 2011 uprising was inspired by revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt. It ended in a bloody crackdown with the help of Saudi and Emirati forces.

Reportedly, dozens were killed in the unrest. However, the exact toll of death remains unclear. Subsequently, the authorities banned opposition parties, put civilians in front of military courts, and jailed dozens of peaceful political opponents. However, it triggered international criticism.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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