Israel boosts its military capabilities to counter Iran

Israel recently successfully conducted a series of tests with its multi-layered missile-defense system. As per a statement by the Israel Missile Defense Organization (IMDO) and the US Missile Defense Agency, it was the first time that Jerusalem demonstrated its multilayered missile defense system using the Iron Dome, David’s Sling, and Arrow weapon systems.
IMDO head Moshe Patel affirmed that the new system will allow Israeli defense to identify and intercept a variety of threats, such as long-range ballistic missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles, among others.Evidently, this successful testing proved a massive milestone for Israel’s defense capabilities against prevailing and future threats. With an eye on its arch-enemy Iran, Israel has significantly increased its investments in research and development of its missile defense in order to protect its territory from external threats.
As per reports, Israel’s navy also participated in the missile defense tests, indicating that these new systems will soon be enhancing the naval capabilities of the Arab nation. Israel’s navy’s new Sa’ar 6-class corvettes will be equipped with C-Dome, a special naval version of Iron Dome as well as of David’s Sling, in addition to other air defense systems to counter low-altitude cruise missiles and medium-range threats.Israel has been facing major rocket and missile threats from Iran, Lebanon’s Iranian-backed militant group Hezbollah and Palestinian militants in Gaza.
Read more : Israeli warplanes strike Iranian bases in Syria –Masyaf City
In a clear message to its rivals, Israel has demonstrated its potential to intercept a salvo of precision-guided munitions (PGMs) also. Last year, Israel’s Defence Forces declared PGMs as the most lethal conventional threat for the country. However, with Israel’s new ability to intercept PGMs, it will be able to better target Iran-smuggled PGMs in the country.After the assassination of Iranian nuclear scientist Muhsin Fahrizadeh, Iranian officials not only publicly blamed Israel for the killing, they also threatened an attack on the Jewish country in retaliation. These tests also demonstrate increased security coordination between Israel and other Arab nations, noting that they could benefit from Israel’s heightened defense capability.
It is important to note that the militaries of Israel and the United States have been holding talks to strengthen their cooperation against any possible attack from Iran.The US has been monitoring Iran’s increasing weaponry that includes massive short and medium-range ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, rockets and unmanned aerial systems. According to General Frank McKenzie, the commander of US Central Command, Iran’s military inventory consisting of more than 2500 ballistic missiles poses a major threat to Washington and its Middle Eastern allies.