Israel shares Iran’s nuclear progression with the IAEA chief during his visit

Israel Naftali Bennett

Israel IsraelOn Friday, the chief of United Nations nuclear watchdog visited Israel and the Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett took this opportunity to make obvious his concerns and around Iran. Bennett accused Iran of “deceiving the international community” with its nuclear programme progression.

IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), the UN nuclear watchdog’s chief Rafael Grossi was on a brief visit to Israel on Friday where he met Prime Minister Bennett. Bennett “expressed Israel’s deep concern regarding Iran’s continued progress toward achieving nuclear weapons while deceiving the international community by using false information and lies,” his office said in a statement.

He “emphasized the urgent need in mobilizing the international community to take action against Iran, using all means, in order to prevent Iran from achieving nuclear weapons.”

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A staunch opponent of Iran’s nuclear programme and 2015 nuclear deal

Israel has been a strong opposer of Iran’s aggressive nuclear programme which is progressing rapidly towards achieving development of nuclear weapons. Israel was also against the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, also called JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) that was orchestrated under former US President Barack Obama. Israel is said to be the influence behind Washington exiting the nuclear deal under then President of US Donald Trump.

Despite of many revelations by inspectors of IAEA and international bodies, Iran has maintained that its programme is “purely for peaceful purposes”. But Tehran by-passed the 2015 deal by stepping up its uranium enrichment, allegedly much higher than what was allowed under the agreement.

As Biden administration is eager to revive the deal, Washington and its allies have criticised Iran for failing to provide answers around its nuclear facilities and offer more transparency around its nuclear programme. “It is essential that Iran does fully comply with its legal binding obligations under the NPT and separately with its comprehensive safeguards agreement with the IAEA without further delay,” State Department spokesman Ned Price said Thursday.

Israel has been quite stern and vocal about its stand when it comes to Iran. Bennett’s office said that while Israel prefers diplomacy, “it reserves the right to self-defense and to action against Iran in order to block its nuclear program should the international community not succeed in the relevant time frame.”



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