United Nations international organization located in Geneva, Switzerland.
Middle East News

US: WHO who? Washington break ties with WHO

On Friday during a press briefing at the White House, US President Donald Trump, declared that the country would disassociating itself from the World Health…

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
News Politics

Netanyahu’s annexation plan would leave Palestinians with limited self-rule under overall Israeli control

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday announced that the Palestinians residing in the Jordan Valley would not be given Israeli citizenship, post the annexation…

Squad of Fully Equipped and US Armed Soldiers
News Opinion

Iran warns against US naval presence in Gulf, acquires new combat vessels

The Revolutionary Guards of Iran yesterday warned against US naval presence in the Gulf. The warning was issued after the Islamic Republic country received 100-odd…

President of Palestinian Mahmoud Abbas
News Politics

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas suspends all agreements with Israel and the US

Mahmoud Abbas made this announcement during a national address in response to Israel’s declared plans to annex parts of occupied West Bank….

The Lawfare Project, a US-based global network of legal professionals that promote civil rights by combatting extremism
News Opinion

Merkel last visit to Israel, focus on Iran

The Lawfare Project, a US-based global network of legal professionals that promote civil rights by combatting extremism, considered the nature and extent of Qatar’s interference…

Flag of Iran and United States
Middle East News

Iran’s Supreme Leader warns US of expulsion from the region

In an increasing war of words, Iran, yesterday, warned that the US would be expelled from Iraq and Syria…

President of the United States Donald Trump in a meeting in New york
News World

As US-China tension rise, India is caught in between

In the ongoing corona pandemic, India is caught in between the US-China spat.US Senator Thom Thilis on 14 May released his 18-point plan to counter…

Department of Homeland Security Seal
News World

U.S. – China Miff : U.S. Plans to Book China of Trying to Hack Vaccine Data

Amidst the U.S. allegations against China related to the Coronavirus spread, former is planning to accuse China by issuing a warning of latter trying to…

Prime Minister Boris Johnson in a Press conference
News World

British politicians urge Boris Johnson to impose sanctions on Israel over West Bank Annexation

The cross-party gathering of politicians, including MPs, senior diplomats, and former cabinet ministers, pressed Prime Minister Boris Johnson to force economic sanctions on Israel if…

Press conference of Mike Pompeo
Middle East News

Iran Nuclear Deal: Iran warns deal will ‘die’ if arms embargo is extended

A senior Iranian official on 3 May 2020 warned that the nuclear deal would die if the US decides to extend the arms embargo. The warning…