UN Aid Ends Tomorrow For Syria After Russian Veto Again

UN Aid

Syria SyriaRussia has now made it clear that it will not support United Nations’ long-running aid operation for Syria. It will not allow the aid transfers to northwest Syria from Turkey; something that Kremlin vetoed one year back. It then failed in its own push for a six-month renewal and greater international reconstruction efforts.

Tomorrow, the existing UN Security Council mandate for UN humanitarian aid – including food, medicine and shelter – to some 4 million people in opposition-controlled northwest Syria from Turkey expires.

Russia wouldn’t want to veto its own decision, ever. Obviously, the draft resolution has failed and its only because China and Russia haven’t supported it. The United States, Britain and France voted against the Russian text, while the remaining 10 council members abstained. Its too many standing on the sidelines, while only a few are taking on the fight for truth and justice and humanity to win over all.

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Before its own draft resolution failed, Russia had vetoed a proposal for a one-year extension – drafted by Ireland and Norway – which received 13 votes in favor. Despite a “no limits” strategic partnership with Moscow, China abstained on the vote.

“This is a life and death issue and tragically, people will die because of this vote and the country who shamelessly deployed the veto,” U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, told the council.

Russia is clear- it will veto any other draft in the future. It does not intend to support the humanitarian aid to come in, anymore. Russia argues that the U.N. aid operation violates Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. It says more aid should be delivered from inside the country, raising opposition fears that food and other aid would fall under government control.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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