Why the Arm Embargo Extension Is A Necessity For Iran?


It has now been confirmed that Iran has been beating around the bush and hiding its nuclear enrichment activities from the whole world. According to Alireza Jafarzadeh, deputy chairman of the Washington office of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, “Iran has been indulging in cheating tactics to derail an international community attempt to curb the use of nuclear sensitive material for purpose other than peaceful and constructive.”

The term ‘cheating’ is primarily used to define acts that promote delaying of inspections, lying and tampering with evidence, etc. This was revealed while Jafarzedeh led a virtual policy panel to discuss the working of Iran and generate a new report led by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

There have been a number of incidents to substantiate the claims of ‘cheating’. Iran is said to have indulged in behavior that does not support the international refusing to cooperate with, or actively misleading, inspectors (including those from the IAEA) as proof that it continues to deserve suspicion over its motives for continuing its nuclear program and seeking the lifting of international sanctions.

Speaking about Iran’s role in the scheme of nuclear disarmament efforts by world leaders, it was said that Tehran has (most of the time) showed an antagonistic behavior. The virtual policy panel also included Kirsten Fontenrose of the Atlantic Council, Ilan I. Berman of the American Foreign Policy Council and Steven P. Bucci of the Heritage Foundation. All three are senior analysts.

The discussion comes with the backdrop of pressure from the US to extend the UN led arms embargo on Iran. According to Fontenrose, the end of the arms embargo will not be a good this for the world. It would (definitely) have major repercussions for the region, making it easier for Iran to arm its Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and proxy militias in other countries that includes war sensitive zones like Syria, Yemen and Iraq. Iran is been known to supply the jihadi militia with state-of-the-art weaponry time and again.

Roping in the other participants in the UN decision, he said that Russia and Europe has to see the repercussions of not extending the embargo. In light came a recent letter that was written by the United Gulf Cooperation Council to the UN urging that the embargo stay in place.

The US had its own reasons to move away from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)but is also looking at garnering support from the rest of the world players to support its stand against Iran. Adding onto reasons to curb the movement of arms for Iran, Berman said, “The violations that are cited in the latest IAEA report are significant,” he said. “This is a question of legitimacy for the UN Security Council — whether when faced with very clear evidence of violations of an international understanding, the UN Secon-in-libya/”> Libya National Army News Politics

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Alaina is a young writer passionate about sharing her work with the world. She has a strong interest in new writing styles and is always trying to find ways to be more creative.

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